Desktop Publishers

Code: 43-9031.00

Description : Format typescript and graphic elements using computer software to produce publication-ready material.

JobTitles : Computer Typesetter, Art Director, Electronic Console Display Operator, Graphic Artist, Mac Operator, Production Manager, Desktop Publishing Specialist, Electronic Imager, Advertising Associate, Creative Director

  • Check preliminary and final proofs for errors and make necessary corrections.
  • Operate desktop publishing software and equipment to design, lay out, and produce camera-ready copy.
  • Position text and art elements from a variety of databases in a visually appealing way to design print or web pages, using knowledge of type styles and size and layout patterns.
  • Convert various types of files for printing or for the Internet, using computer software.
  • Transmit, deliver or mail publication master to printer for production into film and plates.
  • Study layout or other design instructions to determine work to be done and sequence of operations.
  • Enter digitized data into electronic prepress system computer memory, using scanner, camera, keyboard, or mouse.
  • View monitors for visual representation of work in progress and for instructions and feedback throughout process, making modifications as necessary.
  • Import text and art elements such as electronic clip-art or electronic files from photographs that have been scanned or produced with a digital camera, using computer software.
  • Collaborate with graphic artists, editors and writers to produce master copies according to design specifications.