Locomotive Firers

Code: 53-4012.00

Description : Monitor locomotive instruments and watch for dragging equipment, obstacles on rights-of-way, and train signals during run. Watch for and relay traffic signals from yard workers to yard engineer in railroad yard.

JobTitles : Locomotive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Assistant Passenger Locomotive Engineer, Fireman, Passenger Locomotive Engineer

  • Observe train signals along routes and verify their meanings for engineers.
  • Monitor trains as they go around curves to detect dragging equipment and smoking journal boxes.
  • Receive signals from workers in rear of train and relay that information to engineers.
  • Observe tracks from left sides of locomotives to detect obstructions on tracks.
  • Operate locomotives in emergency situations.
  • Inspect locomotives to detect damaged or worn parts.
  • Signal other workers to set brakes and to throw track switches when switching cars from trains to way stations.
  • Check to see that trains are equipped with supplies such as fuel, water, and sand.
  • Monitor oil, temperature, and pressure gauges on dashboards to determine if engines are operating safely and efficiently.
  • Start diesel engines to warm engines before runs.