For Organizations, Schools & Parents

For Organizations
For High Schools & Colleges
For Parents

For Organizations

Dissatisfied woman at work

Gallup polls consistently show that only 35% of employees are engaged in their work, leaving 65% of employees just showing up for a paycheck. However, investing in career development activities can turn this around by fostering engaged employees who manage their careers effectively. Gallup reports that “companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147%.”

The Career Fit Test™ is a 15-20 minute assessment to evaluate employees’ skills, aptitudes, and personality traits. Participants receive a Holland Type Code, a CFT Skills Map™, and access to the CFT Career Mastery Program. This comprehensive assessment helps employees at various career stages, including:

  • Entry-level employees who are planning their initial career steps.
  • Employees who are seeking new opportunities and career advancement.
  • Employees who are nearing retirement and want to plan for a fulfilling and meaningful retirement.

By completing the Career Fit Test™, employees gain an in-depth premium report that includes:

  • A career code for exploring job choices.
  • A matrix of transferable skills to optimize strengths.
  • A CFT Skills Map™ detailing top transferable personal and content skills.
  • Career development and job search activities to set goals and grow their careers.

Investing in the Career Fit Test™ and its accompanying tools is a smart and cost-effective way to enhance your employees’ career development. This tool allows employees to identify their skills, explore fitting job options, and set career goals, leading to increased engagement and job satisfaction. When managers complete the Career Fit Test™, they can better assist their team members in setting and achieving career goals, facilitating continuous career development. This investment in your employees’ career growth can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce, ultimately benefiting your organization.

Request a free trial to discover how the Premium Career Fit Test™ Report can help create more productive and engaged employees.

For High Schools & Colleges

high school and college students discussing the Career test

The statistics are sobering:

  • Up to 80% of entering college students admit they are unsure what they want to major in, even if they have declared a major.
  • Approximately 50% of all declared majors are “prematurely decided” majors who will eventually change their minds.
  • 50% to 70% of students change their majors at least once; most will change majors three times or more before graduation.
  • Studies show that at least 65% of college graduates believe they picked the wrong major to study.

Most students are unsure of their college major and career direction, and those who have decided on a major and career direction may not be confident about their decisions.

The Career Fit Test™ is a 15-20 minute assessment of their skills, aptitudes, and personality traits.  They also receive a Holland Type Code, CFT Skills Map™, and CFT Career Mastery Program that will help them to:

  • Explore careers and college majors that fit their skills, interests, and personality traits;
  • Make decisions to pursue careers that will be rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful work;
  • Prevent wasted time and money pursuing college majors and jobs that don’t fit who they are.

Help your students assess their strengths, explore the right careers and majors, and make successful school-to-career transitions.  Early career planning increases students’ motivation and persistence to stay in school and results in more successful students. The Career Fit Test™  can be used by:

  • Guidance Counselors and Academic Advisors;
  • Teachers in high schools and faculty members at colleges;
  • Career Center Directors and Career Counselors at colleges and
  • Admission Counselors who set up students for success at college.

Please contact us to tell us about your position, your students, and any questions. We will then provide you with a free premium upgrade of the Career Fit Test™, allowing you to learn more about how the Career Fit Test, including the CFT Skills Map™ and CFT Career Mastery Program.

For Parents

parent and student

Only 27.3% of college graduates work in the field of their degree.

4 out of 5 people are in the wrong jobs for their skills.

Most students graduate from college with a major they won’t use in their work, a job that they are not engaged in, and student loans that they will pay on for many years.

The good news is that in 20 minutes, your son or daughter can complete the Career Fit Test™ and receive the results needed to choose a major and career direction that fits their skills, interests, aptitudes, and personality traits.  Other benefits of the premium

A customized Skills Map™ that includes their top  transferable, personal, and content skills and

The CFT Career Mastery Program will guide them through career exploration, college major choices, career decision-making, career planning, and all the job search tools for obtaining internships and first-destination jobs after graduation.

The benefits of the Career Fit Test™ last a lifetime.

Invite your son or daughter to compete in the Career Fit Test™.