Are you:
-Dissatisfied with your work and looking for the right job fit?
-Successful in your work, but seeking more meaning and significance?
-Unemployed and needing help with your job search?
-Needing to make an initial college major and career decision?

The Premium Career Fit Test™ is a proven and trusted career test that for more than 30 years has been used by:
- Workers who are dissatisfied with their job and want to find a career that is rewarding, fulfilling and purposeful;
- Job hunters who want to find the right job faster through implementing the best job search strategies;
- Students and young adults who are choosing an initial career direction and/or college major.
The benefits of this one-of-a-kind career assessment begin with you taking the free career test. The results of the free career test, which utilizes the most researched career theory in the world, will provide you with:
- Your top Holland career type based on your interests, personality and skills
- Career fields that match your top Holland type
- An overview of your strengths
- Potential weaknesses of your personality type
- Educational preferences to guide your career choices
- Your problem-solving preferences
- Your work values
- And, your ideal working environment
You will then have the option to purchase the Premium Complete Career Fit Test™ which will unlock your complete Holland three type code, your Skills Map™ and the CFT Career Mastery Program. Together these tools will provide you with:
- Your personalized top strengths organized into your top transferable skills, personal skills and content skills;
- Your top three Holland types linked to your best career options from more than 900 careers;
- Proven steps to take in all areas of career planning: assessing your unique design, exploring and identifying the best career options for your design, making confident career decisions; and, developing a do-able plan for making a successful career transition.
A small investment in your premium results (now only $19.95), will provide you with all the tools needed to make wised career decisions and obtain work that is meaningful, rewarding and fulfilling.
Introduction to the Free Career Fit Test™ Report with Premium Upgrade

Features and Benefits of Upgrading to the Premium Report
Most people spend more time and money planning their vacations than they spend planning their careers and lives! Because of this, only 35% of people (Gallup poll) obtain work that is engaging, fulfilling, meaningful, and rewarding – a calling and not just a job. Here are just a few of the benefits in your Premium Career Fit Test™ Report.

Sample Pages - Premium Career Fit Test™ Report

In this example, there are 78 other Social – Enterprising careers that Jim would be able to explore.
The reports include a short opening description of the occupation, the transferable, personal and content skills used, a video showing you a realistic “day in the life” of a person doing this work, education needed, the Holland types, work values, salary and labor market, related occupations and additional information including top associations in that field.
Example of a Career Exploration Report

A Detailed Description of Your Strengths

Sample CFT Skills Map™

Social College Majors and Programs of Study
- Psychology, General – SIE
- History, General – SEI
- Social Work – SEC
- Health and Physical Education, General – SRE
- Social Sciences, General – SIE
- Secondary Education and Teaching – SAE
- Special Education and Teaching, General – SEC
- Human Development and Family Studies, General – SAE
- Religion / Religious Studies – SEA
- Bible / Biblical Studies – SAE
- Education, General – SAE
- Athletic Training / Trainer – SRE
- Junior High / Intermediate / Middle School Education and Teaching – SAE
- Communication Disorders, General – SIE
- Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General – SEI
- Social Sciences, Other – SIE
- Community Organization and Advocacy – SEC
- Women’s Studies – SEI
- American / United States Studies / Civilization – SEI
- Health Teacher Education – SAE
- Art Teacher Education – SAE
- Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration / Management – SER
- Theology / Theological Studies – SAE
- Public Health Education and Promotion – SEA
- Health and Physical Education / Fitness, Other – SER
- Speech-Language Pathology / Pathologist – SIA


And More Testimonials
I am beyond grateful to y’all for this process. I’m speechless. Thank you…thank you both!!
“For the first time in my life I was able to carefully and conscientiously match my God-given talents and skills with the type of work that I can truly be passionate about. It has changed my life to where I can eagerly awake each day to begin my new life’s work.”
“I have been stumbling through the process of determining what I like, and don’t like, to do in my job. Knowing these things, and getting them organized, is the hardest part. I have completed multiple exercises on paper and the results are so difficult to decipher that I am still left wondering. This tool simplifies the process with a few thoughtful exercises that result in seeing the top things I love to do separated from the things I don’t love, or even like to do. With the clarity found in these results I am more able to target my career choices, and even my hobbies, to those that better fit my own interests and design. Thank you.”
“Thoroughly enjoyed taking this assessment. Provided insightful and useful feedback.”
“I have taken the Career Fit Test and thought it was very useful in my search for finding new career options.”