Major and College Match

college graduate

As with careers, John Holland’s theory of dividing all work into six interest types (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) can be applied to college majors.  Most college majors are represented by two or three Holland interest types (Social, Artistic, Enterprising).

This section of the Career Fit Assessment System can help you explore programs of study found at colleges and universities.  Use your three types from the Career Fit results to find college majors you want to explore more fully.  Recent research has shown when students choose a career and college major that matches their personality, they obtain higher grades, are more likely to graduate on time, and have greater career satisfaction and success.

Here are the steps for exploring college majors and educational programs that fit your skills and interests:

1.  Go back, if needed, to your Career Fit Test results or CFT Skills Map™ to identify your three top Holland types.

2.  Explore majors and programs of study for your top two or three types.  Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

3.  For majors of interest, go to’s  “What Can I Do With a Major In”?

4.  Explore Your Career Matches to see how the theme types of jobs you feel would be a good fit compare to college majors that interest you.

4.  Explore colleges and universities that offer college majors that interest you.

5.  Make wise major, college, and career decisions using decision-making strategies and tools.